Kotlin App Development

Kotlin App Development Services

  • Developing Crisp
  • Responsive
  • Secure Android Application using Kotlin

Get concise Android Application faster with Smart Extensions functions in Kotlin

Kotlin emerges as an Android Application development platform which adds some modern features to Java to enhance the mobile development process. It is an Open source programming language based on JVM(Java Virtual Machine) that will boost the productivity of developers. It can also be used with Javascript and Native to create codes on iOS. You just need to install a Kotlin Plugin to configure your project. In 2017, Google acknowledged Kotlin as an official language for Android Application Development. From fortune 500 companies to small organizations, developers have already started to migrate Kotlin for their Applications as all the Kotlin characteristics have been beneficial for projects.

Features like Safe Multithreading, where multiple threads are synchronized in a manner that allows developers to safely modify the same data, make Kotlin better than Java. Unlike Java, Kotlin allows developers to pass the parameters using names instead of index, a helpful feature when working with functions that have several parameters.

Flipworks Technology.com is one of the early-adopters of Kotlin and has been using the language in production since the start, developing scalable, stable, and High-performance Android applications. While Java is a scalable and robust language, it’s on the way of becoming completely obsolete. Kotlin is similar to Java in terms of robustness and flexibility, as it is also designed as object-oriented, It is just much more precise and secure than Java.

Why Kotlin App Development?

Kotlin is quite homogenous like Java in terms of structure as it is also an Object-Oriented language and Standardized statically. Furthermore:

Easy to Migrate

Kotlin’s interoperability with Java powers developers to use Java Codes with Kotlin’s Codes and vice-versa while providing all the Java libraries in Kotlin easily.


A much safer and reliable option than Java as it eliminates common mistakes done by developers, giving rise to the lesser crashing of applications and system shutdown.


It includes extensive libraries and smart extensions, helping devs to develop clean APIs.


With the ability to complete the same obstacle in a fewer line of codes than Java, Kotlin is more precise than Java. It also improves the code’s ability to perform and its readability.

Developer Friendly

Developers working on Java can easily learn Kotlin in no time. Furthermore, it enables developers to code in both functional as well as Object-Oriented manner.

Kotlin Android Application Development Services of Flipworks Technology that will Multiply your Business Value

We at Flipworks Technology have a dedicated team of Kotlin Developers that provides the best several different services to companies which boosts their efficiencies while keeping them pretty competitive in the Technological Market. Check out our few of our services below:


Kotlin Migration

Skilled developers at Flipworks Technology.com offers easy migration from your current technology stack to Kotlin


Android App Development

Our Team of developers is equipped with the best knowledge of building a full-featured application from scratch with the best back-end Tech and coding practice in Kotlin.


Kotlin Application Optimization

Optimization includes evaluating codes, performing performance grading, and examining crash data to pinpoint bugs and problem areas.


Maintenance and Support

Our team is quite reluctant in providing reliable maintenance and support to our esteemed clients. It helps our client to carry out their tasks as per their customer’s expectations.

Start Leveraging Strong-Typed Programming language that runs on Java Virtual Machine(JVM)

Industries We Serve

Flipworks Technology provides the best Kotlin Application development services in the following sectors:

Kotlin in use by these Acclaimed Brands

Right after Google’s announcement of using Kotlin as an official language for Android apps development, Many renowned brands started to make their shift to this Language from Java:

Are you still confused between Java and Kotlin and which to use for your Business?

Frequently Asked Questions

Kotlin is a strictly-typed programming language made for JVM(Java Virtual Machine). Using Kotlin with Java reduces the needs of Boilerplate Codes and also is better in syntax, security, and compatibility.

The biggest statement that supports this is the fact that Google has officially accepted Kotlin as the Official Language for Android App development. The lower maintenance cost and development cost is a big plus.

Initially, Kotlin was built for JVM supported devices, JetBrains-the company that developed Kotlin, launched a new version of Kotlin – Kotlin JS which allows developers to use the language for Front-End Development.

A Few Stats About Us


Mobile Apps Developed


Web App Developed


Satisfied Clients


Countries We Serve In

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