Mobile Commerce

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Mobile Commerce or M-Commerce is the next big thing on the internet marketing sphere. It is the transformation from shopping online using a desktop to doing the same using a mobile. The tremendous rise in web app development has been the reason for this transformation. In this emerging market of M-Commerce, there are several growth opportunities for payment card organizations, gateway merchants and money transfer companies.

Flipworks Technology Mobile Responsive Web application design

The application design for websites should be mobile-responsive in order to make it easy for users to shop through their mobiles. Online retailers are now expected to move beyond websites and enable their services in apps as well. About 70% of the consumer traffic for the leading online shopping players comes through their mobiles apps. But many online retailers do not have the desired expertise to provide a good check-out experience to their users. Causes for the same can be attributed to:

  • Difficulty in choosing the payment options or entering card details
  • Poor UI designed for localization and/or search Features
  • Unreliable mobile apps that freeze or are too slow

To evade the above limitations, the enterprises should opt for a mobile-responsive application design for the website.

We at Flipworks Technology, build unique mobile apps for transforming your e-commerce enterprise to m-commerce business. Our apps are unique and authentic. We provide you with maximum customization in order to build an app which not only represents your business but also the motivation behind it. Our engineers make sure that transactions at your web app are super-fast and provide an uncomplicated user experience to clients across the globe. We have the required expertise to create exceptional brand experiences.

To view our projects, please visit. To discuss about our services, products and expertise please contact us on be happy to help you!

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