PhoneGap Development

The Mobile market is fast changing with newer versions, increased features, new applications for better user experience. Further, the technology favors the developers in one or the way, with a specific end goal to build the applications in a more appreciable manner. One such recently evolved trend is the PhoneGap, a cross-platform mobile application.

PhoneGap is an open source framework which utilises the HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript web technologies to develop mobile applications. The exceptional feature of this application development is it reduces the cost, time, and, boosts the return of investment (ROI) for the investors.

The PhoneGap Application Development at Flipworks Technology offers a promising service for its clients through the right technology by conducting a deep research on the client's mission. Furthermore, we involve the client in each phase of the development, reduce the gap between the developer and the client and thus, come out with an appropriate app.

We Deliver Application That Suits Your Business Extension

  • Customized mobile apps
  • Migrate Applications To Platforms
  • Apps across iPhone, Windows and Android platforms
  • Tested Apps on emulators and real devices
  • Bug-free Applications
  • Apps at Affordable Prices
  • Apps for various Industry verticals
  • E-commerce apps
  • Secure and Quality apps
  • Business Confidentiality
  • Round the clock support

To view our projects, please visit. To discuss about our services, products and expertise please contact us on [email protected]. We would be happy to help you!

A Few Stats About Us


Mobile Apps Developed


Web App Developed


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