Real Estate

Real Estate App Development

We harness the tech-power to boost property transactions and increase liquidity with customized real estate app development services.

Intensify Your Real Estate Business In A Contemporary Way

Buying and selling of property are no longer the same as customer experience has now become the mainstay of success in the form of real estate app development process. Sellers and agents who offer convenience to the buyers are most likely to make their mark. For this reason, mobile apps have become a vital communication channel as they serve information on the go as well as make searches amazingly easy for the buyers. It comes as no surprise that most of the estate developers want to bank their money on real estate app development so that it can make selling easier and also serve as an impeccable marketing channel.

At Flipworks Technology, we cater high-end real estate app development services that enable businesses to get the winning advantage. The innovative solutions we create are tailored according to the client's requirements and are driven to fetch them lucrative benefits by enhancing the customer experience, their operational efficiency, and overall growth. Whether you are a real estate developer, agent, or rental agency, our real estate app development company is capable of tailoring an app that's just right for you.

Our Expertise

Our real estate app development company create feature-rich apps that enhance the business value as well as buyer experiences

  • Property Listing
  • Advanced Searches
  • GPS Integration
  • Calendar Integration
  • Interest Rate Calculators
  • Property Estimate
  • Currency Converters
  • Virtual Tours
  • 3D Property View
  • Project Images
  • Push Notifications
  • Agent Management
  • AI-Enabled Chatbots
  • AR/VR
  • Calendars
  • Lead Generation
  • Discussion Forums

Our Solutions

Specialized Real Estate App Development Services we offer

  • Property Booking Apps
  • Property Rental Apps
  • Location Search Apps
  • Property Management Apps
  • Lead Management Solutions
  • Real Estate CRM Solutions
  • B2B/B2C Property Agents Apps

Advantages Of Real Estate Apps

How mobile apps ease buying, selling, and renting of property?

Geolocation Support

To ease the user-experience to find properties and the amenities nearby. It empowers them to make decisions accurately and adds value to the business.

Direct Marketing Channel

The real estate app development services are empowered with features like in-app messaging, push notification alerts, and automated e-mail for direct marketing.

Direct Marketing ChannelCo-ordination Between Developers and Agents

Smart mobility solutions drive better coordination between the real estate app developers and agents to boost leads and conversion rates.

Improved Customer Engagement

Real estate apps serve convenience as customers can access property solutions on the go. With 24x7 customer reach, it becomes easier to engage higher conversions.

Enhanced Property Viewing

With the integration of futuristic technologies such as AR/VR, the real estate apps are designed to deliver unmatched property viewing experiences

Brand Visibility

Real estate app developers can leverage these apps to make their brands more visible on the app store and ensure more potential customers recognize them.

What Makes Us A Reliable Technology Partner For Real Estate Mobile Apps

  • Proficiency in the prevalent technologies while embracing the upcoming ones
  • Create custom apps that are tailored to match the client requirements
  • A proficient team of experienced Android and iPhone developers working on diverse platforms
  • Complete understanding of the real estate vertical and its ecosystem
  • Commitment to delivering highest quality standards and meet project deadlines
  • Flexible engagement models that enable the clients to hire real estate app developers

Want A Powerful Real Estate App For Your Business?

We have perfect solutions for you!

Explore The Projects We Have Worked On

To view our projects, please visit. To discuss about our services, products and expertise please contact us on [email protected]. We would be happy to help you!

A Few Stats About Us


Mobile Apps Developed


Web App Developed


Satisfied Clients


Countries We Serve In

How May We Help You!

Are you searching for development services that are both cost-effective and technologically advanced, with a focus on speedy delivery?

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