Xamarin App Development

Xamarin App Development Company

Build a Mobile App having Power-Packed Functionality and Outstanding User Experience with Xamarin Platform.

Scale Your Business with Secure and Scalable Xamarin Development Company

Animated Shape

Xamarin is a cross- development platform known to build apps with native API access, native UI and native performance. The platform supports developing apps faster with automated testing functionality to detect bugs. You can build Cross-Platform Apps with Xamarin. The advantage of shared codebase allows developers to adopt “write-once-run-everywhere” strategy. Flipworks Technology has been delivering secure hybrid apps from the time of its inception. Our team is known for its cutting-edge application products on Xamarin. With a close working team of product managers, business architects, designers, developers, and testers we are the first choice as a Xamarin App Development Company.

Xamarin App Development Services We Offer

Xamarin Application Consulting

If you’ve got a mobile app idea, capitalize on our Xamarin consultation services. Our team will analyze your project requirements and offer you relevant and detailed strategy. With this insight, Our Xamarin App Development Company also provides multiple app solutions that will let you transform idea into reality.

Xamarin Custom Application Development

We develop robust mobile apps that deliver a brilliant, fast and streamlined user experience. Our team is expert in creating applications using advanced technologies including Java and C#. Our veteran professionals develop mobile apps that are scalable, secure and customized to your unique business requirements.

Xamarin Upgrading & Migration

With our streamlined strategy, we help you upgrade or migrate the current cross-platform application to Xamarin. Even our team ensures that it stays relevant to the current market trends. We also help to migrate applications that are already in Xamarin to an advanced version with complete data backup.

Xamarin App Support & Maintenance

Our highly experienced Xamarin developers assist clients 24/7 to offer real-time support. We provide complete application maintenance services, from smooth integration to architecture design. We also guarantee that your mobile application is regularly updated and in line with the futuristic trends.

Xamarin App QA & Testing

Being a trusted Xamarin Development Company, we hate bugs. We make sure every application designed and developed is free of bugs and other code-related troubles by running multiple tests. We perform functionality and usability tests on the application for smooth compatibility on diverse platforms. We also offer performance testing services.

Serving All Major Industries

Our Xamarin App Development Company serves all the major industries. Here are some of the top industrial domains.

Why Rely On Xamarin for Your Next Cross-Platform App?

Native User Experience

Xamarin build applications that offer native or near-native experience. The frameworks have access to the native APIs that are currently used for platforms like Android & iOS.

Code Reuse

More than 95% of the code can be reused once it's written. This ultimately lowers the amount of time needed for the completion of the application development for multiple platforms.


The framework works on a single technological stack as well as a reusable code, the time required for development is significantly reduced thereby eliminating additional expenses.

Single Technology Stack

The presence of single language in the technology stack that is C# can be used to create multiple solutions without need to switch the environments.

Open-Source and Microsoft Support

Being an open-source framework, Xamarin is constantly improving. Apart from this, the framework is backed by Microsoft, making it rather scalable, stable as well as robust.

Ready to Strat Your Mobile App Development Project?

We have a Professional Team to Get You There.

Our Xamarin App Development Process

Analyze Business Requirements

To offer best results, we start by understanding client objectives and needs. We analyze platform specific business issues. Only after we’ve completely identified business idea do we move ahead with the project.

Designing & Development

This is the phase in which our team start designing the application. We keep you updated regarding the actions we’re taking and ultimately finalize the design upon the approval. Once the design is approved, development of the Xamarin apps start.

Identify Project Details

Our team communicate with client to define your project idea and figure out the functions and features you like to add to the application. In this step, app technical implication and look are discussed, along with the project deadline.

QA & App Launch

For us, quality matters the most! We perform tests on the app to ensure that it works smoothly. If there are any sort of code errors or bugs, we address them instantly. Once we’ve determined that the app is perfect to launch, we will deploy it in the market.

Frequently Asked Questions

Xamarin is an open-source platform for building modern and performant applications for iOS, Android, and Windows. Xamarin is an abstraction layer that manages communication of shared code with underlying platform code.

Xamarin provides the ability to write one single code for an app and use it across multiple platforms. This process saves engineers time and costs compared to native app development. Xamarin also offers tools for making the near-native user experience.

Xamarin boasts a reusable 96 % codebase; it uses business logic, network layer, and data logic. These high numbers appear when using the Xamarin Forms, Components, and C# programming. Xamarin native vs Flutter shows a great result and you can’t argue.

We are your end-to-end Swift app development partner and provide complete Qualitative Analysis, continuous support and maintenance services 24/7 during and after the deployment.

A Few Stats About Us


Mobile Apps Developed


Web App Developed


Satisfied Clients


Countries We Serve In

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